Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Israel arrests nuclear whistle-blower

Israel has arrested their Nuclear Whistle blower. In my opinion, this is an indirect way of reminding their neighbors that they may have nuclear capabilities and any thoughts of trying to get into a possible Iranian/Israel conflict, could be a fatal mistake. To me, they are setting the stage for an israeli offensive. Soon this situation is going to get real ugly. Keep your eyes and ears open.

Israel arrests nuclear whistle-blower - CNN.com

Monday, December 28, 2009


The Treasury has lifted a $200 Billion limit on the amount it was ready to pump into both mortgage firms (each that is). It looks to me that there are going to be a whole lot more losses that they are expecting. I have news for everyone, it's going to get a whole lot worse. For starters, the commercial banks are not going to losen up any time soon because they are looking at a lot of negative factors with the economy, the Administration's failure to realize what is truly going on, the unabaited corporate abuses of valuable job outsourcing, lack of military preparation (Technological and Secured Supply) for a much broader world conflict, amongst many other factors. Our leaders are truly damaging our country at a rapid rate. Worst of all, most Americans are continuing to follow blindly.

God help us all.

in reference to: Fannie, Freddie shares soar despite doubts about future - Dec. 28, 2009 (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, December 27, 2009


You can't just talk touch in front of the American people and then become a little puppy when addressing the Wall Street Bankers. They are just not going to take you seriously and you run the chance of the American people looking at you as a weak leader. Obama is still avoiding the only way to seriously start turning this economy around. He is avoiding it because he as no back bone to deal with it head on. Until we start confronting all the corporate abusers of outsourcing, investing in our educational system, investing in our scientists, investing in new military technologies that are developed in this country (which would create a ton of good jobs), and become the innovator of technologies and inventions, we are going to become a 3rd world country real fast. In fact, I saw an interview on CNN where one of the inventors/scientist was asked if America was going to lose the technological edge and he basically said yes. In fact companies and inventors already discussed this and this has been already decided. Wow. I wonder if there were any of our leaders in these meetings. I wouldn't doubt it. God help us all. We are being slapped and we are doing nothing about it.

in reference to: President Obama urges bankers to help boost economy - Dec. 14, 2009 (view on Google Sidewiki)


Chinese Premier wen Jiabao is playing hard ball. Basically, he doesn't care whether or not he is playing fair. The refusal to appreciate the yen is one of them. Soon they are going to close their pockets to us and we will no longer be able to borrow in order to keep spending. What do we do then? Print more money? Their planned destruction of our economy is working perfectly. Hey, who needs to fight a military war when it is easier to simply wreck the enemies economy? No money, they can't fight a war. Own them, and they can't say a thing. Perfect.

in reference to: Chinese premier strikes defiant Yuan tone - Dec. 27, 2009 (view on Google Sidewiki)


It is unfortunate that the Iranian people have to result to such violence. Obviously, it is necessary since their President is possibly going to be credited with starting WWIII. Ahmadinejad is a calculated individual and a very dangerous one. The Military and militias are backing him up 100% because they want to be the next super-power that will bring in the new Prophet, and basically the end of the world. I know there are people that says he doesn't have the ultimate power, but I say yes, not yet. If the Iranian people fail to basically take their government back, I am afraid that there will be a different power structure in Iran. Ahmadinejad would be the dear leader sort of speak. Basically another Hitler but with a nuclear bomb and the full support of both the Military and Militia. The people face a hard road ahead and I hope that they succeed for all of our sake. They deserve better than this.

in reference to: Several killed, 300 arrested in Tehran protests - CNN.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Wow, soon we will be able to twitter, facebook right from your car! This is good for long family trips. Oh, wait one minute, I need to drive! Crap!
It's cool anyway.

in reference to: Ford brings Wi-Fi to the highway - CNN.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

U.S.: Time running out for Iran - CNN.com

U.S.: Time running out for Iran - CNN.com

Wait a second folks, am I hearing correctly? We are telling Iran that time is running out? In case anyone cares, Iran's plan is working perfectly. They know we are trapped in Afghanistan and are flat broke. They know that our economy is in shambles and our work force went down the tubes when we stopped keeping watch over our wonderful trade agreements and corporate abuses. Oh, let me remind everyone that we still have not addressed outsourcing abuses, so nothing really is ever going to change. Which brings me to my next point. It is clear to me that many in our government have no interest in a U.S. recovery (at least to a full recovery) without the idea of a "New World Order". This is the nonsense that is being peddled around in private. I could go on but we need to wake up real soon.