Sunday, February 28, 2010


A WARNING AND REQUEST FROM GOD: I have warned you to repent and get in line with My Word so that you will ..

Monday, February 22, 2010

Iran to build nuke sites ‘inside mountains’ - Iran-

Iran to build nuke sites ‘inside mountains’ - Iran-

Ok, you have got to be kidding me right? We are still seeking tougher sanctions within the spineless worth nothing UN council? We are in very big trouble folks! I have been saying it all along, just save some face and get out of the talks, take our troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq and start preparing for World War III. In fact, leave Israel alone since they have to do what they have to do in order to protect themselves. At this point, anything goes and our blind leaders better wake up and smell the coffee before the big Iranian BOOM!

Get out show some bit of dignity and stop making fools out of our country. Our leaders are damaging our reputation, undermining our power and authority and making us look extremely weak.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Obama vows to address record deficit woes - White House-

Ladies and Gentlemen, you have to be kidding me right? I have a lot of respect for President Obama and I feel he really has a geniune concern about the normal people in this country who really has it pretty bad (that would include me). However, unless you start putting some restrictions on these huge corporations and banks to prevent them from further destroying this country, it is just wasting more money, which would mean borrowing it from our enemies. This is not a good strategy. I would set the ground rules first, then I would think about getting some money to do it. This plan is a bit without a plan, if you know what I mean. It is not really the money that is the problem, but the policies and abuses. This needs to stop. Where are his advisors at? I would fire all of them since they still are out of touch with what is going on in this country. Please read this article to find out what I mean:

Obama vows to address record deficit woes - White House-