To all who say you are a Christian, pay attention. The American economy is experiencing a take over by foreign companies, financial entities, and investors that have brilliantly brought our country to its' knees. Is this a coincidence? Unfortunately, the answers seems to be no. Years ago the Lord made a very strong request for me to write a book called "2 Sides - What God wants you to know". I say strong request because I was very hesitant and kept ignoring it. Until, he stripped me down to nothing. This got my attention. In this book there is a statement He made that I want to share here with you.
Chapter 22, The U.S. Constitution, Page 70
Most major corporations today are allowed to consume the small, and force marriage to its equal. It is allowed to cleverly enslave their workers, and apply the 7 day work week formula (7-7=0) = No Rest(0). Their consumption increases by large quantities, and their employee wages are depleted by the suffocation of their needs. It is like throwing thousands of seeds into a field, of infested weeds and thorns. They consume the land but the wheat does not grow in her. These corporations have become the infestation of foreign locusts that has consumed her through an unorthodox migration, and a deadly sedative smell. Wake up and cleanse yourself with God's presence and holiness! He has heard his people's prayers and will heal their land, and shall remain one nation under God!
Please, I didn't just make this up, this was given to me back in February of 2006. Even before then, I was being spoken to about this. Now we are here, and it seems that it has become very hopeless. However, God is telling me that He is the final Word.
Unfortunately, there are many within our Government that are either buying into this one world order agenda or those who have been sold on it from the very beginning. To them God says, "you better pay close attention". God is not going to allow America to join any world order. It is not going to happen. America will seize to exist before that happens. It is like a dead horse whose corpses will turn into dust. Only God could turn dust into life.
America was created by God for this moment in history. It was made for the end time moment and it will be an example of how God can sustain His people even in the midst of their enemies and challenges. The entire world will lay their eyes upon her with great astonishment and confusion. They will say "How can this nation stay alive without anyone doing business with it and such horrible catastrophes"? It will be called the Nation of Miracles. It will stand as a thorn in the devils eye. Although most of the world will join the one world order, America will stand as a symbol of God's power. Truly God is powerful, amen.
However, before you begin to heal you must begin to cleanse. To those corporations, investors, foreign abstract entities, and anyone who has a hand in subjugating my people, you are now on notice. So that you know that I am God, I will start to rain upon American in a way it has never experienced before. My people will either wake up and serve me, or the country will be consumed by the heavens, land, wind and sea. It will be cleansed from its' impurities one way or another. If you stay, you will also be consumed and burned.
Pharaoh, your time of rule has ended, so says the Lord. Let My people go! America, you are on notice. As for my children, repent and go back to your first love. What is your first love? I AM your first love as I have given you the first commandment. Stay away from those church leaders who places themselves between you and Me. I AM God and I AM very much alive. Seek Me and I will fill you with my presences. Speak to Me and I will come closer to you. Ask Me and I will open the heavens of knowledge and wisdom. If you are in a house that claims to be My house, make sure you are receiving fruit and not continually leaving empty. I Am not a God of empty but a God of plenty. Be not afraid of the things to come and rejoice for the hour is near. Be tentative and heed My warning when I give it to you. The Church also is in need of cleansing, and it will start from the top down. My Word is not for sale and cannot be compromised to benefit any one organization or government. There are many of you who have conformed to comfortable religion, this is demonic and is of the anti-christ. Repent!