Sunday, October 17, 2010


The evil that we all are capable of, imprisons us and temps us each and every day.  Those who say "I know no evil", are absolute liars and should repent. 

What is evil?  Evil is morally wrong or bad; immoral; or wicked behavior.  The ability to cause harm to others, whether physically, emotionally or spiritually.  In today's society, we measure evil and administer justice based on the severity of the act and the harm that it has caused.  Something like, wishing bad on someone due to anger is evil.  Something as severe as killing someone is also evil.  However, you don't go to jail for wishing someone harm in your mind. 

Are you capable of evil?  Absolutely, and you commit it each and every day!  So, for you to say you are not evil, is evil in itself.  Now, if we are evil and we commit evil each day, how can we be saved from eternal damnation?  Yes, in order to keep sanity within our society, we had to create laws.  If we had no laws, we would definitely be living in the dark ages.

I say to you, that if it weren't for the 10 commandments, we truly would have been doomed as a species.  If you know the law, and you break the law, then you are evil? Yes, you are evil because man is born with a disease called SIN.  In today's society we have glorified SIN and it has become the very thing that most people crave for in music, movies, broadway shows, radios, web, etc.  Yet publicly, politicians reject it, preachers reject it, and others within public service rejects and prosecutes those who commit evil.  Funny thing though, their closets are filled with lots of junk that is not easily accessible to us sinful people.  So they go on acting day in and day out.  Is this all a hoax?  Are we all living a lye?  It surely makes you wonder.

Evil is the very cross that we must carry and endure and eventually conquer.  We alone cannot conquer evil, since this would be impossible due to our sinful nature and inherited spiritual disease.  Jesus once said, "Pick Up Your Cross And Follow Me".  There is such a deep meaning behind these words.  To put it simply, you must endure the process of death while living and yet die while still alive.   There is a reason for the first commandment.  You must love your God with all your heart, mind, body and soul.  Let your love for God carry you through the cross process.  It is said that a man's love for a woman endures much, and causes him to do those things that he would not normally do.  How much more would you be willing to do for God if you loved Him?  Love defeats, endures and lives forever.  Sounds familiar?  It should, since God is Love. 

Without Jesus, we are doomed.  He loves you and is ready to guide you through your journey to freedom.  Are you ready for your journey? 

 God Bless you.

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