Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Israel arrests nuclear whistle-blower

Israel has arrested their Nuclear Whistle blower. In my opinion, this is an indirect way of reminding their neighbors that they may have nuclear capabilities and any thoughts of trying to get into a possible Iranian/Israel conflict, could be a fatal mistake. To me, they are setting the stage for an israeli offensive. Soon this situation is going to get real ugly. Keep your eyes and ears open.

Israel arrests nuclear whistle-blower - CNN.com

Monday, December 28, 2009


The Treasury has lifted a $200 Billion limit on the amount it was ready to pump into both mortgage firms (each that is). It looks to me that there are going to be a whole lot more losses that they are expecting. I have news for everyone, it's going to get a whole lot worse. For starters, the commercial banks are not going to losen up any time soon because they are looking at a lot of negative factors with the economy, the Administration's failure to realize what is truly going on, the unabaited corporate abuses of valuable job outsourcing, lack of military preparation (Technological and Secured Supply) for a much broader world conflict, amongst many other factors. Our leaders are truly damaging our country at a rapid rate. Worst of all, most Americans are continuing to follow blindly.

God help us all.

in reference to: Fannie, Freddie shares soar despite doubts about future - Dec. 28, 2009 (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, December 27, 2009


You can't just talk touch in front of the American people and then become a little puppy when addressing the Wall Street Bankers. They are just not going to take you seriously and you run the chance of the American people looking at you as a weak leader. Obama is still avoiding the only way to seriously start turning this economy around. He is avoiding it because he as no back bone to deal with it head on. Until we start confronting all the corporate abusers of outsourcing, investing in our educational system, investing in our scientists, investing in new military technologies that are developed in this country (which would create a ton of good jobs), and become the innovator of technologies and inventions, we are going to become a 3rd world country real fast. In fact, I saw an interview on CNN where one of the inventors/scientist was asked if America was going to lose the technological edge and he basically said yes. In fact companies and inventors already discussed this and this has been already decided. Wow. I wonder if there were any of our leaders in these meetings. I wouldn't doubt it. God help us all. We are being slapped and we are doing nothing about it.

in reference to: President Obama urges bankers to help boost economy - Dec. 14, 2009 (view on Google Sidewiki)


Chinese Premier wen Jiabao is playing hard ball. Basically, he doesn't care whether or not he is playing fair. The refusal to appreciate the yen is one of them. Soon they are going to close their pockets to us and we will no longer be able to borrow in order to keep spending. What do we do then? Print more money? Their planned destruction of our economy is working perfectly. Hey, who needs to fight a military war when it is easier to simply wreck the enemies economy? No money, they can't fight a war. Own them, and they can't say a thing. Perfect.

in reference to: Chinese premier strikes defiant Yuan tone - Dec. 27, 2009 (view on Google Sidewiki)


It is unfortunate that the Iranian people have to result to such violence. Obviously, it is necessary since their President is possibly going to be credited with starting WWIII. Ahmadinejad is a calculated individual and a very dangerous one. The Military and militias are backing him up 100% because they want to be the next super-power that will bring in the new Prophet, and basically the end of the world. I know there are people that says he doesn't have the ultimate power, but I say yes, not yet. If the Iranian people fail to basically take their government back, I am afraid that there will be a different power structure in Iran. Ahmadinejad would be the dear leader sort of speak. Basically another Hitler but with a nuclear bomb and the full support of both the Military and Militia. The people face a hard road ahead and I hope that they succeed for all of our sake. They deserve better than this.

in reference to: Several killed, 300 arrested in Tehran protests - CNN.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Wow, soon we will be able to twitter, facebook right from your car! This is good for long family trips. Oh, wait one minute, I need to drive! Crap!
It's cool anyway.

in reference to: Ford brings Wi-Fi to the highway - CNN.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

U.S.: Time running out for Iran - CNN.com

U.S.: Time running out for Iran - CNN.com

Wait a second folks, am I hearing correctly? We are telling Iran that time is running out? In case anyone cares, Iran's plan is working perfectly. They know we are trapped in Afghanistan and are flat broke. They know that our economy is in shambles and our work force went down the tubes when we stopped keeping watch over our wonderful trade agreements and corporate abuses. Oh, let me remind everyone that we still have not addressed outsourcing abuses, so nothing really is ever going to change. Which brings me to my next point. It is clear to me that many in our government have no interest in a U.S. recovery (at least to a full recovery) without the idea of a "New World Order". This is the nonsense that is being peddled around in private. I could go on but we need to wake up real soon.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Google Sidewiki entry by Joe

What is wrong with this picture? Iran is not going to give up the nukes. What part of this doesn't anyone understand? They know China and Russia is not going to go along with real strong sanctions. So, basically all we are doing is Bla, Bla, Bla. We need to stop making fools of ourselves and save some face. Unless we are prepared to go in there with at least 500K troops minimum, we might as well just walk away now with our heads in between our tails. You know, like Obama did with China? Let's face it people, our leaders failed us and now they are about to bury us. They sold us out.

in reference to: World powers weigh new Iran sanctions - Iran- msnbc.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Obama, What Are You Doing? - I thought he was going to China to straighten out this huge disadvantage we have in our mutual trading agreement. I guess we are once again, kissing up sort of speak. Now this is what I call taking care of business regarding our upside down economy. We sure showed them didn't we? I am very disappointed with this visit. We truly showed our weakness. Wow, what's next? Stop apologizing and being so polite! We are being attacked financially and this man is apologizing all over the place. Obama is definitely a good human being but does not posses the strength we need in a President right now. We need to let our enemies know that we are on to them, not that we want to continue the status quo. Why don't we just hand over our great nation to them right now? Stop it! You're making huge mistakes.
in reference to: In visit to China, Obama walks a tightrope - White House- msnbc.com(view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Fannie Mae getting into home rental business - Real estate- msnbc.com

Above is some important news for you. Fannie Mae is getting into the rental business? Wow! Now this is really starting to smell like socialism. What is going on here? I don't have a problem with helping the less fortunate and those who truly need a hand out. However, my question is why aren't the banks taking the brunt of this? They took so much bail out money (Which is American tax payer dollars) and now are giving out huge bonuses amd making profits. Where are we disconnecting here? They should be made to make the re-modifications happen even if they have to extend the loan out past 40 years, too long? Too bad! Re-evaluate their income every 10 years or so. We are definitely headed in the wrong direction.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I believe that after meeting with Dmitry Medvedev and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Hillary Clinton kind of got Russia's game. Russia is behind Iran's Nuclear Development, trying to bury us financially, and surround us militarily by trying to use South America and international waters to accomplish their goals. Basically, they are trying to return the favor. Russia is back and is looking tear our walls down in more than one way. I have been saying it all along, Russia in not our friend and definitely not our ally. Action speaks louder than words.

in reference to:

"The town-hall meeting followed sessions Tuesday with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Russia Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that yielded no breakthroughs on arms control, Afghanistan or possible sanctions against Iran as it pursues a controversial nuclear program."
- Clinton: U.S., Russia must go beyond Cold War - CNN.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, October 11, 2009


In studying Ahmadinejads rhetorics, intentions, actions and his absolute hatred of the Jewish state, I can tell you that it sounds very familiar.
Not only this, but the Revolutionary Guard's growing power and the fact that they back Ahmadinejad up 100% gives us a cause to worry. Who truly is in charge of Iran? I predict a change in the political structure of Iran and believe that it is a matter of time before Ahmadinejad takes over Iran completely. Let me tell you; he is hell bent on starting world war III so that he can bring back the chosen one. We have given this man too much space already. I believe it may be too late now, may God help us all.

in reference to: New Iran sanctions could strengthen Rev. Guard - Iran- msnbc.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

Google Sidewiki entry by Joe

As I have been saying all along, we need to get out of Afghanistan. We cannot sustain our current military operations there without a substantial amount of troops. We made the mistake in Iraq by not going in with enough troops and now we are repeating our mistakes. The Taliban is not the only problem, we have Alqueda and we have Iran to boot. This is a lose, lose situation. Unless we are talking about a draft, we need to get out.

in reference to:

"Attacks show Taliban resurgence in Pakistan"
- Attacks show Taliban resurgence in Pakistan - Pakistan - msnbc.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, September 27, 2009


I have to speak out simply because I am an American who is witnessing the destruction of his own country. You have all these economic experts, key leaders of governmental organizations, and elected leaders who are trying to feed the American people another line of half truths and crap! For too long they have kept the American people in the dark, they have operated in the background without any accountability, oversight and now is trying to put the final icing on the cake. It is time to call it like it truly is, and that is a scam, hoax or whatever type of word you can use it to really describe what it is. Please, allow me to give you an example. Bernanke to me is like a bank spokesman who relays messages the banks want the American people to hear. You would think that the Federal Reserve would be telling the banks what to do but in reality, it is the opposite way around. The Federal District Banks formally controls the Federal Reserve, but the Federal District Banks get their orders from the district banks. Huh? Do you mean the same banks that caused this whole mess and deliberately sunk our economy? It is the same banks that borrowed money from the American People that could have as easily borrowed money from the FDIC? The same banks that now are making profits after a short period of time? The same freaking banks that are now showing favor to only subsidized loans, FHA, etc. instead of commerical loans? The same banks that took the American money and now is slapping them in the face by making it next to impossible for good borrowers to get a commercial loan?

Hey, are you getting the picture here? How in the world could there be a recovery when part of the problem is policing itself? There is a bill called the HR 1207 that was introduced by Ron Paul (Republican) and Alan Grayson (Democrat) which would require that the Federal Reserve to be audited. Needless to say the Feds don't like this idea. Why? I am not even going to amuse you with the answer. We have to demand our leaders to overhaul this failed system or be kicked out of office, period! It is time to clean house.

There are so many other deceptions concerning insurance companies, corporations, government agencies, that it is no wonder that we haven't lost our country by now. We need to fight to keep our freedom and our sovereignty, and get rid of these people who are in favor of the One World Order nonsense that will only spiral our country into eventual destruction. It just won't work. Yes people, wake up, we are in deep trouble and we have to vote these jokers out! Stop your Nintendo playing, excessive partying, sports, TV zombies, etc. and start to spend more time in trying to find out what these elected individuals are doing to our Country and our liberties. Wake up, or have a nasty and rude awakening. If you wait too long it will be too late. Get involved and engage.  Start asking questions and start rallying, this is American and not China!

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Sunday, September 20, 2009


I have been trying to talk about this all the time. Our economy was ruined on purpose. In fact, it was secretly attacked via the major corporations now with foreign interests or foreign owned status. We were hijacked under the banner of free trade and commerce. Russia is strategically surrounding us militarily, China is stealing our secrets and has so much stock in our country that it no longer belongs to us, and Iran, Venezuela, Russia, North Korea and other smaller countries are keeping our leaders off balance with issues, while Iran prepares to shock the World with the Big BOOM test. Obviously, someone in Obama's team just had their first cup of JAVA and looked out the window; staring down the barrel of our enemies big bad GUN! Once again Russia embarrasses us in front of our friends and the world. Basically, they said something to this effect, “Oh, !@#$# crap, hit the deck”!

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Thursday, September 10, 2009


For a while now China has been relentlessly attacking our economy and our most sensitive databases regarding the safety and security of this country. Our leaders response is, "can we borough another trillion dollars or so"? How about shipping your junk off our shores and stop shoving it down our citizen's throat? This is all in the name of world commerce. Our leaders have sold the American peoples' soul and treasure to the Chinese and yet they have the audacity to smile at us and point fingers back to the American people and their counter party members. Great! No one is taking responsibility for the huge blunder that these leaders made. I just don't know how they could sleep at night. Sooner or later we are going to have to face this monster and it's not going to be pretty. The real problem to this economy is not being addressed for fear of dirt rising to the top. The American people need to stand up and demand real action not just borrowing more money from our enemies and creating our tombstone. Shame on you.  America wake up and speak up!

Monday, August 24, 2009


This past Friday, Ben Bernanke said that he was optimistic about the economy and that it should start taking off. Is he serious? In my opinion, this administration either needs a dose of reality or they are definitely talking a lot of hype! Let's take a look at our economical status shall we?
There is still outsourcing going on behind in the back ground and no one is focusing on it or addressing the issue (and this is a real big issue, in my opinion this is one of the main causes regarding our slump).
There are no meaningful jobs being created. Not everyone is into construction, sorry. This is one of the flaws with their recovery plan.
They are saying that the laid off individuals should retrain themselves in order to find a job that will fit them for the future. Well, the problem with this is that it costs money to retrain and go back to school. On top of that, most people no longer have good credit due to bankruptcy, bills that are behind on payments, etc. Where would they borrow the money from? This would mean that they don't qualify for a student loan! Yeah, so where is the opportunity at? Oh, just go to the library and buy books right? Sure, this is the answer.
What about the Real Estate market? Yeah, sales are happening and foreclosures continue to rise. One man's misfortune is another man's diamond. Right? We must learn from our mistakes and it seems that we are not very good at it. Foreclosures are affecting local governments all over our country. California is in big trouble and so are other states and local city governments. Wait a second, if the taxes aren't being paid on the properties then where is the money coming from to support public services? Oh yeah, just borrow from the stimulus money to balance out the budgets. Right? We need real recovery not temporary solutions.
Listen, I can go on and on. We are in trouble and we need a real leader who tells it like it is and keeps thing honest. In my opinion there are people who are not interested in real economic recovery. Why? The answer is global and there is a push for global government and one economy. What we have is a bunch of good actors and bad policies. We need to wake up here and call our government out to show their full hand. This country is still for the people and by the people and they need to fully understand this. This is not recovery, this is the final blow to force the American people to give into the global nonsense. I have news for them, the American people will never accept such a thing. God bless America and fight for our freedom by Voting them all out!
What are your thoughts?

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Thursday, July 16, 2009


I hope everyone has a good front seat, popcorn and soda or simply a hot dog with beer! It is going to get real interesting to say the least. I think Reza Aghazadeh was forced to resign since he didn't see eye to eye with the PREZ. Basically, he probably didn't agree with the weaponizing of nuclear material. If you look at the man's picture, he is pretty worried and stressed. Oh, wait! Our secret service is probably dismissing this as nothing but employee discontent, that's it, that's the ticket. OK, it is nothing major folks. I hope they start selling those home bunkers soon. Between other governments and the U.S. in absolute denial of what is going on and the PREZ moving ahead with plans, we don't have much of a choice but to bust out the goodies and wait for the big BOOOOM.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Yes, Iran's Ahmadinejad is quiet. In fact, he is too quiet. This is like placing a lamb in front of a hungry lion and placing it right up against its nose. The lion does nothing? After Obama's G-8 speech, once again Iran is silent. This is not a good thing. Obama speaks of the G-8 giving them a door to walk through as a gesture of peace and deplomacy. Iran's action indicates a "What ever" silent message. Oops.
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Hey! We are now friends again with the Russians. Yeaaah! Break out the vodka. What in the world does Obama think he is doing? Does this man have any idea what time it is in history? Russia is part of the problem in Iran and we are acting like they are all of the sudden going to change their position. Obama is singing kumbayah all over again and this is not going to work. The Russian leaders are totally amazed at our resiliency after all the back door kick ass that they have been delivery to us and yet, we are still saying "can we please have another"? The Chinese are on their backs laughing themselves into a tremendous stomach ache from all the idiocies displayed by our elected leaders. We need to be playing hard ball and straight out balling with them and here we are once again, acting like a 2$ ho and a blind man at our own execution. STOP THAT! You are killing us. May God help us all because we are in big trouble.
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Sunday, July 5, 2009


Is the American dream of home ownership fading? Hmm. I can tell you that it is becoming more and more of a possibility. In reviewing what is going on with the banks, our nation's states hitting rock bottom like California and the unemployment rates insisting on going up; I strongly am starting to believe that it is coming to an end. You really can't touch a commercial loan without having LOTS OF MONEY and even then it is not a guarantee! There will surely not be any more so called broke investors (that era is gone!). This has now become a true (got some money) Investor's market and will strengthen as the homes continue to lose value and people continue to lose their homes. The rental demands will continue to rise like never before and the true investor's will take it to the bank! The rich gets richer and the poor receives more company, sanctioned by our own appointed leaders. Real Estate professionals will have to switch their thinking and start thinking of building a plan that greatly includes rental services since it will really become a strong secondary source of income, second to Investor properties. Single families will only be for the well off and those properties that are not so hot will probably fall apart and look like possessed homes. I hope I am wrong. What are your thoughts?

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What in the world are our leaders thinking? I hope we are not still following this rusted bucket of junk all over the @#@#$ world! Yes, not only are we spending millions of dollars doing this but we are making absolute fools of ourselves at the same time. If we are going to make an example and a point that we are not going to tolerate North Korea's proliferation of weapons, then board the freaking thing already. What we are doing is showing the world that we are indeed a paper tiger. Let's stop this foolish behavior and get serious. Crap or get off! This whole situation stinks. That's my thoughts about this nonsense.


It is unfortunate on how everything is turning out in Iran. It is clear that Iran is definitely headed toward a dictatorship and the prez will be the only ruler there. Why? It seems crazy?
Impossible? Well, that all depends on how you are looking at it. History does repeat itself. This prez makes no mistakes when he speaks. He actually speaks very clearly. We just can't accept it as reality and dismiss it as some kind of kook. This happened once before and it is happening once again. However, this time there will be a big boom to bring it into perspective. Will it be too late? Tick Toc the clock is ticking and we're still in denial. God help us all.