Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I believe that after meeting with Dmitry Medvedev and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Hillary Clinton kind of got Russia's game. Russia is behind Iran's Nuclear Development, trying to bury us financially, and surround us militarily by trying to use South America and international waters to accomplish their goals. Basically, they are trying to return the favor. Russia is back and is looking tear our walls down in more than one way. I have been saying it all along, Russia in not our friend and definitely not our ally. Action speaks louder than words.

in reference to:

"The town-hall meeting followed sessions Tuesday with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Russia Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that yielded no breakthroughs on arms control, Afghanistan or possible sanctions against Iran as it pursues a controversial nuclear program."
- Clinton: U.S., Russia must go beyond Cold War - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, October 11, 2009


In studying Ahmadinejads rhetorics, intentions, actions and his absolute hatred of the Jewish state, I can tell you that it sounds very familiar.
Not only this, but the Revolutionary Guard's growing power and the fact that they back Ahmadinejad up 100% gives us a cause to worry. Who truly is in charge of Iran? I predict a change in the political structure of Iran and believe that it is a matter of time before Ahmadinejad takes over Iran completely. Let me tell you; he is hell bent on starting world war III so that he can bring back the chosen one. We have given this man too much space already. I believe it may be too late now, may God help us all.

in reference to: New Iran sanctions could strengthen Rev. Guard - Iran- (view on Google Sidewiki)

Google Sidewiki entry by Joe

As I have been saying all along, we need to get out of Afghanistan. We cannot sustain our current military operations there without a substantial amount of troops. We made the mistake in Iraq by not going in with enough troops and now we are repeating our mistakes. The Taliban is not the only problem, we have Alqueda and we have Iran to boot. This is a lose, lose situation. Unless we are talking about a draft, we need to get out.

in reference to:

"Attacks show Taliban resurgence in Pakistan"
- Attacks show Taliban resurgence in Pakistan - Pakistan - (view on Google Sidewiki)